The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

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Matt Wiser
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Matt Wiser »

One thing the Mexicans are demonstrating is a lack of political and military reality. History is full of leaders who demonstrate a lack of both qualities, and usually find out-the hard way-that the other side is more than willing to not only reply, but do so decisively.

IF the Mexicans are thinking what I think they are, they need to be reminded of America's stance since the end of the war: "Never Again." Any back-channel coms to Mexico City (and there are those who do provide such services) should remind the "Revolutionary Government" in Mexico City of the fate meted out to North Korea the previous year when they tried playing stupid games as the Rump USSR finally died. They won stupid prizes via SAC and a pair of boomers in NORPAC..

Add to that "Baja's ours now. If you try anything foolish, we can go further than just Baja. It's up to you to decide how far you want to go with this."
The difference between diplomacy and war is this: Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell so elegantly that they pack for the trip.
War is bringing hell down on that someone.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by jemhouston »

By God's Grace, we generally have the right people on hand when the waste hits the fan hard. The Mantells along with Sophie are forged for battle.

Funny thing is, if they run for public officer, I can see them in the Senate. More time to make changes.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Poohbah »

17 November 2010
Mexico City

Maire Nason, Second Secretary of the Irish Embassy to the People's Republic of Mexico waited for the footman to open the door of the Mercedes SUV, then climbed out. She walked up the steps to the entryway of the imposing residence.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Salazar was waiting for her. "Maire, my dear, welcome to my modest home."

Nason said, "Thank you for receiving me, Minister."

Salazar led Nason into the house and to a finely appointed library.

"May I offer you a drink?"

"A whiskey, please."

Salazar served the drinks, then sat down opposite Nason.

Salazar smiled and said, "I take it you're not here merely for my scintillating company."

"You're correct." She paused, then said, "The Republic of Ireland is . . . concerned . . . by some of the language being used by various officials regarding Baja California . . . and the United States."

Salazar nodded. "I understand your government's concerns. However, we are fully committed to undoing the injustices inflicted on Mexico by the United States. All of them. All the way back to 1846."

Nason sipped her whiskey.

"A rather ambitious goal, you must admit."

"And the first step is to not allow the Americans to incorporate Baja California into their country. We will not allow this, and we will resist with all possible means." Salazar took a big swallow of whiskey, then said, "We know who orchestrated the theft of Baja California, and they will pay."
Johnnie Lyle
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Johnnie Lyle »

They’re smoking the war emergency reserve unseasoned green wood impressed convict grade shit.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Matt Wiser »

And forgetting they have no military allies this time.
The difference between diplomacy and war is this: Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell so elegantly that they pack for the trip.
War is bringing hell down on that someone.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Johnnie Lyle »

Matt Wiser wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:35 am And forgetting they have no military allies this time.
The IJN Planning Staff finds the concept unworkable and the Kamikaze Corps says they’re nuts.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by jemhouston »

Johnnie Lyle wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:43 am
Matt Wiser wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:35 am And forgetting they have no military allies this time.
The IJN Planning Staff finds the concept unworkable and the Kamikaze Corps says they’re nuts.
We have a winner
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Poohbah »

18 November 2010
National Security Council Conference Room
Provisional White House
Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Philadelphia, PA

Josh Mantell spoke quietly to his older brother. "I think I'm getting a nosebleed."

Mike smiled. "Relax, Josh. The President runs this like a military staff. You give your brief, you answer questions, he's just playing on a different level than your group or wing boss. I know you--you do your homework. Besides, he wants to meet you."

Cabinet secretaries entered the room, and Josh stood to attention. Secretary of Defense Brian O'Herlihy greeted Michael warmly, then shook Josh's hand. "An honor to meet you, Colonel."

"Thank you, sir."

At Mike's cue, Josh took his place at the podium.

The door opened, and Mike called, "Ladies, and gentlemen, the President of the United States."

Everyone stood up; Josh came to attention.

President Powell said, "Seats, please. As you were, Colonel."

Mantell went back to parade rest.

Mike said, "Mister President, as requested, Colonel Mantell is here to give a briefing on recent developments in Mexican special operations."

Powell said, "Very good, Admiral. Colonel Mantell?"

Mantell said, "Good morning, Mister President. Ladies and gentlemen, I am Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Mantell, United States Air Force Reserve, currently assigned as the commanding officer of the 11th Special Reconnaissance Squadron, which is one of three such squadrons in the reserve component; two are assigned to the Air Force Reserve, and one is assigned to the Air National Guard--this last unit is flagged in Idaho, but has flights assigned to multiple states across the Western United States.

"The mission of special reconnaissance . . . "

* * *

Mantell said, "On the night of October 15th, Special Reconnaissance Team CHICAGO had established an overwatch position that covered a known missile patrol box. Shortly after they made detection on the missile convoy, the team intercepted what we call a 'zip-squeal' signal--"

A hand went up. Josh noted that it was Attorney General Donna Taggart. "Yes, ma'am?"

"Colonel, could you explain that in a little more detail, please?"

"Yes, ma'am. 'Zip-squeal' is a term we use for a process where the party sending a message records it onto tape, and the message is then transmitted over high-frequency radio. The tape is played very rapidly; the receiving station slows down the playback and copies out the message. The idea is that it will sound like a loud squeal to untrained ears. Our signals intelligence experts can recognize not only that it is a zip-squeal message, but can look at the parameters of the signal and determine the type of equipment used. In this case, it was a Soviet-era R-350M high-frequency radio set. The Russians quit using it about ten years ago; they use satellite communications now . . . "

* * *

Mantell finished describing the air-to-ground engagement.

"Since then, we have been conducting 'delousing' operations in cooperation with the 705th Strategic Missile Squadron. By 'delousing,' we mean that the missile convoy is used to drag any hostile forces trailing it through an ambush site. So far, we haven't found any more trailers."

Powell asked, "Do you think they've halted this operation?"

Mantell said, "No, sir, I don't. They may have paused it--losing two teams in close succession would raise all manner of red flags--but it's a way to covertly put pressure on the United States, so if they've halted operations, they're probably going to restart."

Powell nodded. "A very good point about pressure."

O'Herlihy asked, "Colonel, you stated earlier that you went into this exercise under the assumption that you and your squadron were going to be humping rucks across Northern Mexico, chasing mobile missiles. And that's a pretty reasonable assumption, if anything does happen. Which begs the question . . . do you think anything is going to happen?"

Mantell said, "Sir, I claim no special insight into politics, especially Mexican politics. That said . . . my experience with people is that you can't talk the way the Mexican government is talking without doing something, Mister Secretary. The problem is, Mexico is playing Liar's Poker--with Madera Lounge rules--while we're playing UFC, and we're the biggest and most foul-tempered guy in the octagon, sir."

O'Herlihy nodded.

Powell asked, "Madera Lounge rules?"

Mantell said, "Mr. President, the Madera Lounge is the hangout for C-suite guys and entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley--the guys who say, 'go fast and break stuff.' The rules are that the minimum bet is $100, and anyone can up the ante on their turn by throwing another hundred into the pot, and everyone has to meet that or bail."

Powell nodded. "A good recipe for going bankrupt very suddenly."

"Such is the fate every CEO and entrepreneur faces in Silicon Valley, sir. One bad call--professional or personal--can ruin your company. Even something as silly as buying a Ferrari to celebrate your IPO can destroy your company."

Powell looked at Mantell and asked, "How can buying a Ferrari destroy your company?"

"When you wrap it around a tree on US 101 and kill yourself on IPO day; the underwriters canceled the IPO right there. True story, sir."

Powell winced, then let out a grim chuckle. "Well, I suppose that would do it."

"The Madera Lounge rules do teach a certain degree of risk tolerance, sir."

Powell nodded. "As if the Mexican government needed any more. So, Colonel, you see them moving, but how do you see them winning?"

"I don't, sir. They believe that they have a winning hand, but they're so used to playing Liar's Poker they don't understand that we're playing Ultimate Fighting Championship, and that we're ready to rumble, sir."

Powell looked at Michael Mantell, then said, "Good brief, Colonel."

Josh took his cue and left.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, Mike stepped out of the NSC Conference Room and signaled Josh to follow him. They went up two floors, and Mike led him into a medium-sized library.

Two minutes later, President Powell entered, and both Mantells came to attention.

"At ease." Powell came over and said, "It's a privilege to meet you, Colonel."

"Likewise, Mr. President."

Powell ushered them to some chairs around a coffee table.

"Colonel, I received a phone call from the Taoiseach of Ireland. He sent one of his senior officers from the Mexico City embassy to meet with the Deputy Foreign Minister, with instructions to unofficially express Ireland's concerns regarding the rather heated rhetoric coming out of Mexico City." Powell smiled. "In reality, we asked the Irish government for a small favor, and they're willing to do it because many Irish citizens reside in the American Southwest, or visit Baja California.

"What the Deputy Foreign Minister said went beyond 'heated rhetoric,' thoroughly alarmed the Taoiseach, and he called me first thing this morning. The Deputy Foreign Minister stated that those responsible for 'stealing' Baja California will pay, and the tone indicated that they were talking about individual parties."

Mantell said, "I see, Mr. President."

Powell asked, "Do you?"

"I know that myself, my wife Jeanna, and my friend Adam Lodge are at risk, along with roughly 200 other people, sir."

Powell nodded. "Not including senior leadership who said 'So let it be written, so let it be done,' the precise figure is 236 people, of whom 39 have passed on since then. 197 are left. We are notifying everyone we can get ahold of to be on alert." Powell looked at Mantell. "Do you need further security?"

"Sir . . . after the Ryerson kidnapping in Palo Alto in 1997, we hardened up Estancia Mantell. The security perimeter is both extremely low-profile and extremely smart, and the house itself has been discreetly hardened. Everyone down to my youngest daughter is proficient with small arms, and we have a considerable arsenal onsite, consisting of both personal and crew-served weapons alike. We will be hiring professional security personnel to augment security both at home and when traveling in the vicinity."

"What about at Hill?"

Mantell smiled. "Sir, the security forces at Hill are quite proficient. If they're ever put to the test, I am convinced they'll acquit themselves splendidly."

Powell nodded. "Very well." He sighed. "I am hoping common sense breaks out in Mexico City . . . but I'm not optimistic."

* * *

Mike walked Josh down to the lobby.

"Josh . . . be careful."

"Always am, Mike. Always."

Mike gave his younger brother a hug, then said, "Take care, Josh. Give my love to your wives and kids."

"I will. My love to Cathy and your kids."

* * *

Outside, Mantell took out his phone and called Jeanna.

"Hi, honey."

"Hi, darling. Just so you know, the Mexican government apparently wants to whack both of us. I recommend calling in FS2 and throwing lots of money at them."

"I'll do that. Should I let Adam know?"

"Please do that."

They spoke for a few moments of ordinary things; the weather, their children's grades, how the sister wives were doing.

"Love you, Josh."

"Love you too, Jeanna. Give my love to everyone else."

* * *

Lodge Manor
Portneuf Valley, ID

Adam sighed. "I see. Thanks for the heads-up, Jeanna."

He hung up the phone and sighed, then went upstairs to the master bedroom suite. He changed into a karate gi and walked down the hall to the gym. Susan, the oldest daughter living at home, was jogging on the treadmill.

Good kid, just needs to learn to slow down a little. Like most American kids.

Adam stretched, then began a series of kata exercises, punching, kicking, and throwing imaginary adversaries, blocking incoming strikes, seeking to perfect his form. After about 20 minutes, he returned to the natural receiving stance, bowed to an imaginary sensei, and grabbed a towel from the table by the entrance.

"Dad, is something wrong?"

Lodge looked at his daughter. "What makes you ask that?"

"You normally don't work out that hard unless you're really pissed off."

Adam clucked his tongue at Susan and said, "Language, sweetheart! What would Abuela think?"

Susan blushed. "Sorry, Dad."

Adam said, "Sweetie . . . this isn't an easy thing to discuss right now. Get cleaned up for dinner, I've got to talk to all of you about this. And I have to talk to Mom first."

* * *

18 November 2010
3rd Special Reconnaissance Squadron
LeMay Air Force Base
Cabo San Lucas
Baja California Protectorate

Colonel Sophia Lodge, USAFR, listened to her husband's summary of the situation and said, "Do whatever you think needs to be done, darling. I'm with you 100%."

"Thank you, my love."

After the call ended, Sophie called in her XO, ops officer, and intelligence officer.

"I may be the target of an assassination attempt by Mexico. They may decide to go for the whole unit in one go. As of now, the Brave Rifles are at THREATCON CHARLIE-PLUS, on my authority. Ops, I need you to liaison with the base wing and the Provost regarding the threat; I will give you a written summary. Intel, I want a review of indicators and warnings for all personnel. I want them using their heads, even when they're out at Cocina Isabella or Cantina del Fuego. XO, we're going to put the unit on a wartime footing."

She looked carefully at her people. The initial hesitancy and second-guessing she'd encountered when she first arrived was gone, replaced with calm certainty.

I am so damn proud of my airmen.


* * *

After dinner, Adam Lodge made himself a cup of hot chocolate, then sat down at the computer. He logged into StreetTalk, a hyperlocal social networking site.

Susan stuck her head into the den. "Hey, Dad, Danielle and Darlene just finished their homework--dear God, you're logging into Cat Lady Central?"

Adam chuckled. "Don't tell anyone."

"For God's sake, why? Have you no shame?"

"Looking for a needle in a haystack." He chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"I used that line once with Mom. And she got that look she gets when she makes that big conceptual leap, you know the one?"

"Like the sky just opened up above her, and she just saw the dove that's about to land on her head?"

"Yeah, that look. Well, she said that finding a needle in a haystack isn't that hard, if you use the right tools. After all, it's the one piece of the haystack that isn't hay." Adam chuckled.

"Okay, that actually makes sense. More than her last attempt to explain the fundamental theory of arithmetic did."

"So, I'm looking for a woman who, sometime in the past six months . . . changed."

Susan came over and leaned against the desk. "If it's about our latest problem, she's not going to be talking about it on StreetTalk."

"No, but every other gossiping biddy on her block will be."
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Matt Wiser »

The Mexicans are supremely overconfident. Reminds me of the Marine Colonel in the original War of the Worlds movie, who was very confident his Marines would stop the Martians. He, and some sixty percent of the Marines, failed and died trying.

Then going after American HVTs is a causus belli then and there. Bad move, Mexico.
The difference between diplomacy and war is this: Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell so elegantly that they pack for the trip.
War is bringing hell down on that someone.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Jotun »

Something doesn't really fit together (at least to me). Mexico City wants to avenge the loss of Baja and "punish" those responsible. How do they think they can avoid the US going medieval on them and sending several corps' worth of pissed-off troops over the border or opening the locker that contains canned sunshine in response?
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Poohbah »

Jotun wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:05 am Something doesn't really fit together (at least to me). Mexico City wants to avenge the loss of Baja and "punish" those responsible. How do they think they can avoid the US going medieval on them and sending several corps' worth of pissed-off troops over the border or opening the locker that contains canned sunshine in response?
And thus Josh's comment that Mexico is playing Liar's Poker, and the US is playing Mixed Martial Arts.

Nobody in charge in Mexico City was at the front during the war, except for a few generals, and the political officers are keeping them in line.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Jotun »

Poohbah wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:11 am
Jotun wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:05 am Something doesn't really fit together (at least to me). Mexico City wants to avenge the loss of Baja and "punish" those responsible. How do they think they can avoid the US going medieval on them and sending several corps' worth of pissed-off troops over the border or opening the locker that contains canned sunshine in response?
And thus Josh's comment that Mexico is playing Liar's Poker, and the US is playing Mixed Martial Arts.

Nobody in charge in Mexico City was at the front during the war, except for a few generals, and the political officers are keeping them in line.
Okay, so I am not quite as out of it today as I thought.
Mexico City is suffering from a very problematic mix of wishful thinking, ideology, and delusions of adequacy, then. Got it.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by jemhouston »

Mexico City is going all in while they don't know the US has the table rigged to hit them in the balls.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Wolfman »

jemhouston wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:05 am Mexico City is going all in while they don't know the US has the table rigged to hit them in the balls.
And hit them there very, very hard, many, many times…
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by jemhouston »

Wolfman wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:36 pm
jemhouston wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:05 am Mexico City is going all in while they don't know the US has the table rigged to hit them in the balls.
And hit them there very, very hard, many, many times…
More like have to pull the tabletop from the back wall. So much blood and gore.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Poohbah »

Jotun wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:48 am
Poohbah wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:11 am
Jotun wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:05 am Something doesn't really fit together (at least to me). Mexico City wants to avenge the loss of Baja and "punish" those responsible. How do they think they can avoid the US going medieval on them and sending several corps' worth of pissed-off troops over the border or opening the locker that contains canned sunshine in response?
And thus Josh's comment that Mexico is playing Liar's Poker, and the US is playing Mixed Martial Arts.

Nobody in charge in Mexico City was at the front during the war, except for a few generals, and the political officers are keeping them in line.
Okay, so I am not quite as out of it today as I thought.
Mexico City is suffering from a very problematic mix of wishful thinking, ideology, and delusions of adequacy, then. Got it.
You think they're going to have anyone militarily competent anywhere near the DF?

He'd be the next El Presidente Para Vida in thirty minutes...
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by jemhouston »

Would they have anyone competent and popular over the company commander? You might be able to pull off a coup with a battalion with some luck. Brigade or higher no problem.
Matt Wiser
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Matt Wiser »

Care to bet even the Presidential Guard Division has a Political Officer down to company level? That was Soviet/Cuban practice. They would be the only Army division allowed within the DF, and every officer would be carefully vetted not just for military competence, but loyalty to the regime. The Political Department would also be keeping a sharp eye on Airborne and SOF for a very good reason: units operating behind enemy lines would need to be able to think and act independently, even at platoon level. In some coups, it's elite units and heavy armor that have the loyalty breakdown and lead the "turnover in government." And if the informers overhear officers referring to their tanks as "Voting Machines?" It's time for a purge to prevent said coup.

One thing the Revolutionary Government of Mexico does to keep the Armed Forces loyal? They make sure the soldiers are well paid and on time.
The difference between diplomacy and war is this: Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell so elegantly that they pack for the trip.
War is bringing hell down on that someone.
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by Poohbah »

19 November 2010
Clovis, NM

They were preparing dinner--Uncle Adam had sent her a recipe for herb-crusted chicken, and she was cooking the cutlets while Becky made a salad.

"Becky, you're awfully quiet tonight. Anything wrong?"

"Dad invited me over for Thanksgiving."

Kathy turned over the cutlets. "And?"

"And." Becky sighed, then said, "And he asked me if I was dating anyone, and I said yes, she's a Special Reconnaissance Operator at Cannon, and that led to me giving your name, and now he's freaked out."

"Okay. Does that mean I'm invited, or not?"

"It means . . . it means screw it, meet me here at 11:30 on Thanksgiving and we'll walk over to Dad's house, he's two blocks away."

"All right, then."

* * *

They lay together in bed. Becky kissed Kathy's neck, and whispered in her ear, "I love you."

Kathy whispered, "I love you, too."

"I didn't mean to worry you about Dad. He's . . . well, he's just wondering how a guy who's both a national hero and a major figure in the computer business is going to react."

"Well . . . my Dad is going to tell me the same thing he told me when I was dating a girl in high school. Specifically, he'll tell me to not break your heart."

"Your dad's OK with . . . "

"Before they all married him . . . my mother married Mama Jeanna right after the war ended, and Mama Roberta and Mama Helen got married two years before that. My paternal grandfather died during the war. But he told my Dad that love is blind, stupid, and crazy."

* * *

19 November 2010
Lodge Manor
Portneuf Valley, ID

Lodge looked over his Word document and the PDF report from the online information broker one last time. Satisfied, he saved it, then began drafting an email.
Special Agent Ishtasapa,

I did some digging around on StreetTalk. Now, on social media, you have to remember Sturgeon's Law--90% of everything is crap--but this one is interesting. Diane Alton is 33, and by her LinkedIn profile is a successful financial analyst for DataTemps. Per Facebook and other records found via online search she has been divorced for 10 months. She has no children.

In my previous career, she would've come up as a very likely target for recruitment, and we would likely use the option of romancing her.

Her Facebook posts prior to July 2010 show an extremely high level of discontent with her situation, and then she simply stops posting. Per her neighbors on StreetTalk, she has been seen in the area with numerous different men of military age since September 2010--they engage in irresponsible speculation as to what she's doing with them, but that's neither here nor there.

Further, she has apparently branched into real estate investment; she has formed a company (West Chubbuck Land Holdings, LLC) that has bought a couple of farms with the stated intent of developing them into a resort. On the surface, this looks great, but the land is right under the flight pattern of the Pocatello airport and immediately adjacent to the Burlington Northern right of way, and that stretch of double track has trains on it at all hours of the day and night. The parcel is mortgaged, and the lienholder is an FDIC-insured lender (Zions Bank).

I understand that this doesn't reach the level of probable cause, but I would say that this is a reasonable, articulable suspicion, based on my professional experience in clandestine operations, that there is something going on here that may be a violation of federal laws, particularly in regards to human trafficking, bank fraud, money laundering, and possibly the National Security Act.


Adam Lodge
* * *

19 November 2010
Estancia Mantell
Portneuf Valley, ID

Roberta grabbed the phone and said, "We're not interested--"

She stopped talking, then passed the receiver to Helen.

"For you. It's the duty officer."

Helen put on her "XO voice."

"Colonel Mantell."

"Ma'am, this is Lieutenant Volanger, the Officer of the Day. Colonel Huntley was arrested for DUI by the Boise PD about half an hour ago."

"I see. Has the Adjutant General's office been notified?"

"Not yet, ma'am, I'm calling them next."

"All right. Good work, Ell-Tee."

She hung up the phone and sighed. "Huntley just got a DUI in Boise."

Roberta rolled her eyes. "Now is not the time for this."

Helen said, "Never is. But this is a particularly bad time."

* * *

An hour later, the phone rang again.

It was Brigadier General Mark Van Dyne, the Adjutant General of Idaho.

"Colonel Mantell, as of this date, you are now confirmed as the new commanding officer of the 116th. We're going to arrange for an assumption of command ceremony as soon as possible. Please note that this is not an 'acting' command assignment. The National Guard Bureau wanted the billet filled immediately. Lieutenant Colonel Rockwell is turning 2nd Squadron over to Major Lansing, and he will assume duty as the regimental XO."

"Understood, sir."

"Helen . . . just keep doing the right thing. And make sure everyone understands to be ready to answer a call-up. I'm hearing some ugly rumors here and there that FORSCOM is on the warpath over something."

"Copy all, sir."
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Re: The Vaults of Heaven (AU)

Post by jemhouston »

Up next, no notice exercises, random inspections where how well unit will do combat, not how it looks will happen.
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