2018 - Ascension

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2018 - Ascension

Post by Calder »


The Ming Temple, Bangkok, Thailand, 11 pm, June 30, 2018

“We made it.” Conrad looked around at a building he hadn’t been certain actually existed. The structure certainly did although almost everybody walked past it without knowing its significance. The organization it contained was semi-mythical and quite a few law enforcement agencies believed that it did not exist. Tonight, it was almost as if the elements and the Bangkok traffic had conspired to maintain secrecy to the last. A major pre-monsoon thunderstorm had snarled the traffic up and brought most of the city to a standstill. Lightning was still flickering on the horizon and the occasional rumble of thunder could be heard over the traffic noise.

“We did. Thank you, Conrad. For getting me here.” Angel spoke as if she meant getting her through the traffic but her meaning was much more than that. She knew Conrad had steered her, gently and patiently, away from the life that she had led before they had met. Had he not done so, she knew it was inevitable that, sooner or later, she would have been killed and her body thrown into a shallow unmarked hole in the ground somewhere. He had accepted her for what she was then, yet also carefully tended and encouraged the rest so that she had become much more than she had ever thought possible. He had slowly and unwearyingly taught her how to care for people. She couldn’t do it, not for real, but she had learned from him how to mimic the responses that constituted ‘caring’ and took her cues from him as to which imitations were appropriate in a given situation.

Now, she was standing in the middle of the room, wearing a dark green Qipao that matched the blood red color of her hair. She was also wearing make-up, the product of a long session with Jip who was Suriyothai's favorite beautician. Conrad couldn’t remember seeing her dressed up before. If it hadn’t been for the usual rabid-dog look in her eyes, she would have been close to beautiful. She was also, a very rare thing, unarmed. She caught his gaze and gave him a rueful smile, not wanting to be away from his side. “I’ll be going in soon.”

“Excuse me, most honored eldest sister. If you wish, Zhēnxiàng may join you for the first part of the ceremony.” The woman made one of the deepest wais to Angel Conrad had ever seen made to a woman. Only Princess Suriyothai and the Queen had received more respect. In her world, there wasn’t that much difference in status now. Over the years, the assertive, self-reliant and in-control Angel had become a role-model for Triad women.

“Conrad? This is a great honor. I don’t think any outsider, let alone a ghost, has been allowed to see the ceremony that is about to happen before.” Angel had stumbled slightly over the words, betraying how nervous she was. It had been a long, hard road from the corner of Mott Street and Canal to where she was standing now.

“Thank you. It would indeed be a great honor.” Conrad felt their dinner turn leaden in his stomach. It was beginning to sink in just how important this meeting was. The strange thing was that the dinner he and Angel had just eaten together was, to him, far more meaningful. It was the special dinner they had together on the last day of each month to celebrate Angel having spent an entire month without killing anybody. The first such celebration had been some months after Angel had been made Vanguard of the 14K Triad almost 15 years earlier. At first, the celebratory dinners had been rare. Then, slowly but surely, they had become more common until they were now the rule rather than the exception. It had been over a year since she had last killed somebody and then even Conrad had to admit the subject had richly deserved his fate.

He knew of course that only he was celebrating the fact she had not killed anybody. To Angel, that was a matter of supreme unimportance; the act of killing another human being was meaningless to her. What mattered to her, what was her cause for celebration, was simply that Conrad was happy. That was enough for her.

There was a rattle from inside the main room as the door was unlocked. A man in his late middle age opened the carved teak doors and held them for Angel. Conrad followed her in. The first time he had ever entered Triad-owned premises, he had been surprised to find that it didn’t look like an ornate Chinese temple. Now, he was surprised to find this one did. There was a gong at one end, statues of various Chinese gods around the walls and a heavy smell of incense in the air. Three tables were arranged in a U-shape with the open end facing the entrance doors, the top table with its back to the gong and the altar. One man alone, the Grand Master of the 14K, occupied that top table and everything in the room was orientated around him. The left hand table of the U was his left, the right hand table, his right. Each of those other tables had six men sitting behind it. Together, they were the other 12 members of the Shanshen, Conrad was shocked to realize how many of them were familiar, people he had never guessed were Triad members, let alone senior members of the movement.

Conrad felt a light touch on his arm. The woman who had told him he could join Angel for this ceremony was indicating an ornate and comfortable-looking chair against the rear wall. It didn't belong where it was and Conrad realized that it must have been brought in for him. He sat down and watched her leave, closing the doors behind her. That left Angel the only woman in the room. She was standing erect in the middle of the U, her head bowed and her hands folded in front of her.

The man at the top table rose to his feet, turned and sounded the gong behind him. It being an even-numbered year, the man on the left-hand table closest to the top rose to his feet and stepped forward to stand beside the man who had sounded the gong. They bowed to each other, then the departing Grand Master of the 14K stepped aside, exchanging places with the man who had just joined him. They bowed again and the retiring Grand Master stepped back. His replacement stepped forward and sounded the gong again. All five remaining members on the left-hand table rose to their feet and took a step to their right so that they were standing behind the next seat up the length of the table. As soon as they had done so, the six men at the other table also rose. That left the one seat furthest from the top table, the most junior seat, empty.

Once again, the sound of the gong echoed around the room. Angel stepped forward to a small table in front of her, one that had an incense table smoldering on it. There was also a small knife there. She picked it up and, with a quick movement, cut the ball of her thumb open. Then she reached out to drip blood into the incense pot. When she started speaking, her voice was perfectly controlled and absolutely steady. After being with her for twenty years, Conrad understood the Chinese although he knew his own pronunciation of the language was atrocious.

"After having entered the Hung gates I must treat the parents and relatives of my sworn brothers as my own family. I shall suffer death by five thunderbolts if I do not keep this oath.

"I shall assist my sworn brothers to bury their parents and brothers by offering financial or physical assistance. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I pretend to have no knowledge of their troubles.

"When Hung brothers visit my house, I shall provide them with board and lodging. I shall be killed by myriads of swords if I treat them as strangers.
"I will always acknowledge my Hung brothers when they identify themselves. If I ignore them I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I shall not disclose the secrets of the Hung family, not even to my parents, brothers, or wife. I shall never disclose the secrets for money. I will be killed by myriads of swords if I do so.

"I shall never betray my sworn brothers. If, through a misunderstanding, I have caused the arrest of one of my brothers I must release him immediately. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"I will offer financial assistance to sworn brothers who are in trouble in order that they may pay their passage fee. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"I must never cause harm or bring trouble to my sworn brothers or Incense Master. If I do so, I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I must never commit any indecent assaults on the wives, sisters, or daughters, of my sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I break this oath.

"I shall never embezzle cash or property from my sworn brothers. If I break this oath I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I will take good care of the wives or children of sworn brothers entrusted to my keeping. If I do not I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"If I have supplied false particulars about myself for the purpose of joining the Hung family I shall be killed by five thunderbolts.

"If I should change my mind and deny my membership of the Hung family I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"If I rob a sworn brother or assist an outsider to do so I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"If I should take advantage of a sworn brother or force unfair business deals upon him I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"If I knowingly convert my sworn brother's cash or property to my own use I shall be killed by five thunderbolts.

"If I have wrongly taken a sworn brother's cash or property during a robbery I must return them to him. If I do not I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"If I am arrested after committing an offence I must accept my punishment and not try to place blame on my sworn brothers. If I do so I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"If any of my sworn brothers are killed, or arrested, or have departed to some other place, I will assist their wives and children who may be in need. If I pretend to have no knowledge of their difficulties I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"When any of my sworn brothers have been assaulted or blamed by others, I must come forward and help him if he is in the right or advise him to desist if he is wrong. If he has been repeatedly insulted by others I shall inform our other brothers and arrange to help him physically or financially. If I do not keep this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"If it comes to my knowledge that the Government is seeking any of my sworn brothers who has come from other provinces or from overseas, I shall immediately inform him in order that he may make his escape. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"I must not conspire with outsiders to cheat my sworn brothers at gambling. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I shall not cause discord amongst my sworn brothers by spreading false reports about any of them. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I shall not appoint myself as Incense Master without authority. After entering the Hung gates for three years the loyal and faithful ones may be promoted by the Incense Master with the support of his sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I make any unauthorized promotions myself.

"If my natural brothers are involved in a dispute or law suit with my sworn brothers I must not help either party against the other but must attempt to have the matter settled amicably. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"After entering the Hung gates I must forget any previous grudges I may have borne against my sworn brothers. If I do not do so I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"I must not trespass upon the territory occupied by my sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I pretend to have no knowledge of my brothers' rights in such matters.

"I must not covet or seek to share any property or cash obtained by my sworn brothers. If I have such ideas I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I must not disclose any address where my sworn brothers keep their wealth nor must I conspire to make wrong use of such knowledge. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I must not give support to outsiders if so doing is against the interests of any of my sworn brothers. If I do not keep this oath I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I must not take advantage of the Hung brotherhood in order to oppress or take violent or unreasonable advantage of others. I must be content and honest. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.

"I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I behave indecently towards small children of my sworn brothers' families.

"If any of my sworn brothers has committed an offence I must not inform upon them to the Government for the purposes of obtaining a reward. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I break this oath.

"I must not take to myself the wives and concubines of my sworn brothers nor commit adultery with them. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"I must never reveal Hung secrets or signs when speaking to outsiders. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.

"After entering the Hung gates I shall be loyal and faithful and shall endeavor to overthrow Ch'ing and restore Ming by co-ordinating my efforts with those of my sworn brethren even though my brethren and I may not be in the same professions. Our common aim is to avenge our Five Ancestors."

Having finished reciting the 36 Oaths, she bowed deeply to the new Grand Master who returned the bow and then sat down. Angel faced left and bowed to the six men on the right-hand table. They returned her bow and sat down as well. Then she faced right, bowed to the five men on the left-hand table who made the same response. There was one more item on the table in front of her, an obviously very old book. She took the pen that had been placed on top of it and signed her Triad name, Hēilóng Shāshǒu, Black Dragon Slayer, on the next line. Her signature was elegant; for ten years she had been taking daily lessons from private tutors and doing her homework like any good student. She was no longer near-illiterate and, like most people who had come to literacy later in life, she had become enraptured by the worlds books had opened to her.

Then, formalities completed, the retiring Grand Master escorted her to the empty chair at the foot of the left hand table. She sat down, indicating that she had now become the most junior member of the Shanshen. As the years passed, she would slowly move up the left hand table, seat by seat until, thirteen years in the future, she would take the Grand Master's seat at the top table. She would be the first woman in the history of the Triad movement to do so, just as now she was the first woman ever to sit at the Shanshen's tables.

"We must leave now. The next part is for members of the Shanshen only." The retiring Grand Master escorted Conrad out of the room. Behind them, the doors were locked from the inside and Conrad knew that Angel had just performed her first official duty as a member of the Shanshen. The most junior member of the Shanshen opened and closed the doors, always locking and unlocking them from the inside.

"It must be a wrench to leave that room after so many years." Conrad was still anxious and was making conversation to hide it.

The retired Grand Master shook his head. Conrad recognized him, a very well-known businessman with an impeccable reputation. "It is the great circle, Zhēnxiàng. I joined the August Society as a Sai-Lo and now I am a Sai-Lo again. And happy to be so for the responsibilities of high rank are too great for an old man. You are concerned about your friend? There is no need to be. If we had elected to ignore tradition and I had escorted her direct to the top table, there to rule uninterrupted for thirteen years, not one man would have objected. She is . . . respected. And admired."

Conrad nodded and the old man smiled. "Not because of her skills with those guns of hers. Impressive though they are. Because when there is a dispute, she always knows where to find the middle ground, the area where a solution may be negotiated that all can agree to. She sees the facts of an issue clearly, without the distraction of personal feelings for the people involved. Everybody knows her decisions are taken based purely on the facts and not through personal preferences. Beyond all that, she has taken our society away from violence and instead moved us to much more profitable and less dangerous enterprises. Many of them are even legal, or at least not illegal. As a result, our sworn brothers and sisters are now more prosperous than ever before. She has established agreements with all the other August Societies and with other . . . organizations . . . . like us so that we can all prosper without fighting over dividing the proceeds. She has even reached understandings with the more enlightened law enforcement organizations so that they can do their work and we can do ours. We cooperate where doing so will result in a more peaceful, well-ordered and tranquil community. When our aims diverge, we each do our duty but still treat each other with mutual respect. She will be a great member of the Shanshen, Zhēnxiàng, honoring our Five Ancestors."

The retired Grand Master of the 14K Triad hesitated for a second, not wishing to be impolite. "The Gods work in strange ways sometimes. Perhaps only a psychopath who sees people only as tools to be used towards a desired end could have the strength and moral authority to bring such peace to our world. I think your God must be very pleased with you, Zhēnxiàng, for how you have helped her grow into the person she is now. I wish you and Hēilóng Shāshǒu good health and many years of happiness together."

He left, hailing a taxi on the street and climbing into the back seat for a ride home. It was a radical change from the luxury limousine in which he had arrived and that too was part of the symbology that saturated the meeting. The same limousine was now waiting outside, along with twelve others to take the members of the Shanshen back to their homes.

Conrad found some English-language magazines had materialized by a seat in the waiting room. Reflecting that, whatever else they were, the 14K Triad were perfect hosts, he settled into an article on the glories of Rome and the treasures that were to be found in the Vatican Museums. Thanks to the bravery of the Swiss Guards he thought, but the real story there is known to only a few.

"Conrad?" Angel's voice penetrated his reflections. She had already changed back into her normal black tank top and blue jeans, washed off her make-up and was the Angel he knew and, as he had finally admitted to himself, loved. She was also armed again, her twin Berettas hanging in their shoulder-holsters. "We're all done here. Time for us to go home."
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