The eyes...

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The eyes...

Post by Nik_SpeakerToCats »

Couple of weeks ago, during very bad, snot-soaked cold, I stumbled against door-frame.
Small retinal bleed ensued in R eye.
Unfortunately, rather than politely sinking out of the way around brunch it now fogs the fovea for most of day.

Hasn't auto-resolved, urgent Ophthalmology appt scheduled...

I can still write text, using APHont I got for my still-beloved wife, albeit cranked up a few more 'points'.

As L eye is in long-queue for cataract op, when it goes from 'Sea Mist' to 'Grounded', I'm not amused...

Upside, a little anger is good for the Muse, if not the spiel-chequer: I've managed to re-build my 'Fresno' editing buffer: #68 posted, #69 to #73 written, now in recursive-tweak mode. And, half-typed, a near-complete 'First Contact' novella for insertion when Fresno gets to 'Mauve'...
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