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Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:59 pm
by gtg947h
Who else was affected by the hurricane? Everyone ok? Mike?

We came through fine, amazingly we even still have power... had enough tornado warnings to last a few years though...

Re: Helene

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:59 pm
by Nathan45
My uncle, who was within a few miles of the eye of Hurricane Ian in Venice Florida, got lucky this time as it hit further north. No damage.

Re: Helene

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:14 pm
by MikeKozlowski
It got ugly a little after midnight, but it's pretty much passed now except for some wind gusts. However, at this point the whole state is pretty much without power, so we're roughing it for a while.


Re: Helene

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:13 am
by Belushi TD
And yet you're still able to post to the internet.

What a time to be alive.

No insult intended... I'm pretty impressed that you're able to do so.

Belushi TD

Re: Helene

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:34 am
by Johnnie Lyle
Belushi TD wrote: ā†‘Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:13 am And yet you're still able to post to the internet.

What a time to be alive.

No insult intended... I'm pretty impressed that you're able to do so.

Belushi TD
Cell networks are more resilient than power lines. Less likely to set your neighbors on fire too.

Re: Helene

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:45 am
by Bob Dedmon
In Kentucky visiting mom, good thing I left for here Thursday instead of Friday. Rain and wind would have made the trip entertaining. As it was the storm ended up camping out over Louisville top winds here in the upper 40s and about 2-5 inches of rain. would have been almost stupid to drive it yesterday, Lexington, KY winds peaked around 65 mph. We're fine and waiting for the light rain to quit.

Re: Helene

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:54 am
by David Newton
Not Helene, but we've had a fairly exciting weather week here in the UK as well.

Tornado hit Aldershot and others were observed but didn't do any real damage, such as near Tewkesbury. After that lot we actually had the equivalent of a tornado watch issued a couple of days late! That is VERY unusual in the UK. We do get a fair number of tornadoes per unit area, but they're usually very weak affairs.

We've also had loads of torrential rain and flash flooding.

I've not been personally affected besides getting fairly wet on a couple of occasions.

Re: Helene

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:23 pm
by MikeKozlowski
...Still w/o power (0813EST Saturday), but we're managing. Just saw pictures from Asheville NC, and it's bad as in the only way in/out right now is by helo bad. Some good sized chunks of I40 are gone, mudslides, and flash floods have apparently gutted several smaller towns. NC appears to have taken the worst of it, and it may be a couple days before the full extent of it can be gauged.

Meantime here it's not too hot and we've got plenty of light and water never went out . The blacked out parts of town don't seem to have much rhyme or reason, with outages and full juice in the same block. The Dominion Energy outage map looks like a kaleidoscope threw up all over Google maps but it's slowly coming back. Everything in the fridge is lost, including some meds, but I can run without those for a week or so.

Bottom line: we're okay, going to be eating out for a few days, but no damage and we'll live. Please keep NC in your thoughts, I suspect there's bad news coming out of there we haven't heard yet.


Re: Helene

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:59 pm
by jemhouston
US Poweroutage Map

Re: Helene

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:37 pm
by Micael
I hope it works out for all of you guys affected. I have to admit that the hurricane business is one thing Iā€™m not envious of the US of.

Re: Helene

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:34 pm
by DanS MkII
I live in central NC, we got a little rain and wind gusts but nothing significant. In the western part of the state in addition to what Mike mentioned, I-26 is washed out but I'm not sure where. If it's north of Asheville, that's a major detour route to points west that is unavailable.

NCDOT said today to assume every road in the western part of the state is closed, until they can assess bridges and other potential trouble spots.

Chimney Rock had their entire downtown destroyed by extreme flash flooding. Boone, in the northwest part of the state, saw major flooding as well.

This will also put a major dent in fall tourism, so a big part of the area's annual income will be lost.


Re: Helene

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:18 am
by Johnnie Lyle
Lots of power out in Ohio too, and some really wicked waves on Lake Erie.

Re: Helene

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:09 am
by MikeKozlowski
Got power back about 2 hours ago, so we're back in business.


Re: Helene

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:38 pm
by jemhouston
State and Federal Governments Impeding Hurricane Relief ... ampaign=nl

Can anyone in the area confirm.

Re: Helene

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 10:04 am
by David Newton
The conflation of Ukraine aid and lack of aid for the Helene victims in the Hot Air post is disingenuous. It's a false dilemma which is disgusting for them to use.

However beyond that there does appear to be a very, very, very real problem with Biden et al and indeed Cooper et al (Democrats, what a surprise) slow-walking necessary aid steps and in some instances actively sabotaging relief efforts. The sabotaging of the FEMA budget by using it for illegitimate spending on illegal immigrants is an example of the latter. There also appear to be local officials with serious power trip problems, as exemplified by that moron of a fire chief referenced in the video.

It's just a shame that Hot Air included a fallacy in their post to blunt the effectiveness and legitimacy of their arguments and assertions.

Re: Helene

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 10:24 am
by jemhouston
David, it may be disingenuous, but the fact Ukraine got billions the same week as the households got $750 isn't good. Also, that is restricted to households without insurance and low-income households. Also, the amount Biden Admin spends on illegals isn't good.

The Biden Admin screwing up isn't surprising. The states slow walking aid is.

Re: Helene

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 10:33 am
by Belushi TD
Are we talking about the states slow walking aid, or are we talking about FEMA slow walking aid? What many people don't seem to understand is that FEMA is not supposed to even GET to a disaster until 2 to 3 days after its over. Even then, FEMA is supposed to wait until called in to help.

When you couple that with the public's distrust of government, the bad press FEMA got after Katrina, and the general public opinion of "I'm from the government, I'm here to help" its entirely possible that the aid is coming, but has been slow walked by circumstances, rather than malice.

Its also possible that its entirely malice based. If I'm not mistaken, most of the areas that were hardest hit tend to vote republican, don't they?

Belushi TD

Re: Helene

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 10:44 am
by jemhouston
Helicopter traffic in the area Oct 1.

Re: Helene

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:16 pm
by clancyphile
David Newton wrote: ā†‘Fri Oct 04, 2024 10:04 am The conflation of Ukraine aid and lack of aid for the Helene victims in the Hot Air post is disingenuous. It's a false dilemma which is disgusting for them to use.

However beyond that there does appear to be a very, very, very real problem with Biden et al and indeed Cooper et al (Democrats, what a surprise) slow-walking necessary aid steps and in some instances actively sabotaging relief efforts. The sabotaging of the FEMA budget by using it for illegitimate spending on illegal immigrants is an example of the latter. There also appear to be local officials with serious power trip problems, as exemplified by that moron of a fire chief referenced in the video.

It's just a shame that Hot Air included a fallacy in their post to blunt the effectiveness and legitimacy of their arguments and assertions.
Billions for Ukraine, $750 for survivors of a devastating hurricane is just not a good look for domestic politics. They are separate line items, but the urgency for Ukraine when stuff like Helene or the East Palestine train derailment causes significant suffering leads people to conclude that Biden and Kamala Harris care more for Ukraine than they do their own citizens, particularly if those citizens vote Republican.

Re: Helene

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:45 pm
by David Newton
Oh I very much agree that the optics are extremely bad indeed with Ukraine v Helene with the way Harris has decided it's to be done. Yet another unforced screw-up from this awful administration. Yet another massive blunder by them, costing lives; both in the Carolinas and also in Ukraine this time.

As for malice concerning the response? Yes I do think there's a good deal of malice with the state and federal parts of the response being slow-walked or sabotaged. I do think that both federal and North Carolina state governments are infiltrated by leftist haters and indeed are run by such people as well and that their politics are dictating much of the response efforts. On a local level I think it's more that petty little Hitlers like that fire chief are on a power trip and feeling threatened by private individuals upstaging them.