Hanna, and All about Eve

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Hanna, and All about Eve

Post by warshipadmin »

Hanna got 72% on RT. Since the plot and script are absolute crap that seems to me to be some sort of collective delusion. It's supposedly a chick assassin flick, but since her only confirmed kill is with a hand thrown arrow (underarm if you please) I hae my doots. Eric Bana is wasted. Cate Blanchett seems to be channelling Gillian Anderson.

Rather less unsatisfactory, or in fact gripping, is All about Eve which I've never seen before. We've got Bette Davis playing Bette Davis, and a bunch of relative unknowns (grins) having the time of their lives, acting in this very theatrical production of a film about theatre. 2h12m of great film. My only gripe is when they set Davis up to miss the audition for the new part, that seems out of character for the nice lady who is her friend. Here's the only negative review on RT, I think he has a point, but misses the point of the film. https://archive.org/details/Sight_and_S ... 9/mode/1up
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