Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Simon Darkshade
Posts: 1049
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Re: Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Post by Simon Darkshade »

Notes on the Dutch Order of Battle

- The Dutch Army is organised in a very similar way to the British model, as are the Belgians.
- In 1960, they are on the very of a major update in equipment: replacing their older APCs with a modern vehicle, the Centurions with Chieftains, the 105mm self propelled howitzers with a newer 6" SPH and incorporating modern anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile systems at brigade level. There is a frontline requirement for 1640 MBTs.
- The 7e Luchtlandingsdivisie and 8e Lichte Infanteriedivisie are strategic reserve elements for operations in the DEI, Africa (in conjunction with the Belgians...) or on the northern and southern flanks of Europe; it is notable that the African operations never eventuate
- The Territorial Army is designated as a home defence force, but moves are afoot to harden and mechanise the four divisions so they can reinforce and support the 1st and 2nd Dutch Korps in the field, whilst the number of home defence battalions would be increased.

- The Koninklijke Marine is in something of a similar state of flux and development. Their destroyers and frigates are quite new and will be progressively updated with SAMs in the 1960s, whilst the cruisers will carry longer range SAMs and SSMs. Their two fleet carriers are large, excellent ships with air groups of 80 modern fighters
- The Home Fleet fields a strong carrier battlegroup with battleship and battlecruiser support for joint operations with the British or other allies.
- Consideration is being given to raising the operational strength of the Koninklijk Nederlands Korps Mariniers to support a full strength division at home and a brigade in the Far East, but this would be quite expensive.

- The Fokker Degen is a Mach 1.9 twin engine air superiority jet fighter and the Krijgshamer is a twin engine supersonic strike bomber with a combat radius of 1000km/625 miles.
- Development of a single engine fighter-bomber is underway with Belgian cooperation, which will replace the six squadrons of Hunters under current plans.
- Replacement of the Fairey Delta with a high performance single engine fighter is the next priority.
- Acquisition of long range transports such as the HS.681 will allow more than a single airborne brigade to be moved at any one time.

Notes on the Belgian Order of Battle
- Even in 1960, they are already operating very closely in conjunction with the Dutch
- Together, their four corps make for a decent enough field army
- They have a similar need for new equipment in the decade to come, on land, sea and air (albeit their naval needs are quite minimal)
- Upon the eventual independence of the Belgian Congo, there is a sharp shift to European operations, quite naturally
- The 6eme Division Paracommando, the Dutch 7e Luchtlandingsdivisie and the Luxembourg Division have a wartime mission to reinforce Denmark
- That leaves a strategic reserve of 1 regular infantry division each, plus the Dutch Korps Commandotroepen Brigade and the Dutch Marines. Belgium is thus interested in forming a new brigade sized unit of commando type forces to carry their weight
Belushi TD
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Re: Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Post by Belushi TD »

Holy SHIT, the Dutch want 1,640 tanks?????

Didn't the Dutch have next to nothing with regards to tanks IIRL?

Belushi TD
Simon Darkshade
Posts: 1049
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Re: Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Post by Simon Darkshade »

They had 592 Centurions in @, plus 50 M24s.

In 1989, the 5e Divisie had 244 Leopard 1 and 2s, the 4e Divisie a similar number and the 1e Divisie ~ 228 tanks for 700+ MBTs.

The DE Dutch numbers come from that extra corps.

By the by, the Belgians had 784 M47s in that same era, but went for Centurions in DE. Once again, their numbers differ on account of the extra corps that they field, on account of a larger economy, population and general military size.
Simon Darkshade
Posts: 1049
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Re: Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Post by Simon Darkshade »

Norwegian Order of Battle 1960

Norwegian Army: 124,659 men
Royal Norwegian Navy: 24,652 men
Royal Norwegian Air Force: 32,983 men

Total: 182,292 personnel (~1.65% of population)

Norwegian Army: 6 divisions, 124,659 personnel

Army High Command General Staff Battalion
Hærstaben Signals Regiment
Hærstaben Intelligence Regiment

Kongelig Norske Riddere

Stór Dvergherlið
Hár Alvejegerehirð

Hærens Jegerkommando
Forsvarets Spesialkommando
Norsk Spesiell Lufttjeneste

Norwegian Brigade Group in Germany (Kiel)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Hedmark Regiment nr 5: 40 x FV432 Saxon
2nd Battalion, Hedmark Regiment nr 5: 40 x FV432 Saxon
3rd Battalion, Hedmark Regiment nr 5: 40 x FV432 Saxon
Oplandenes Dragonregiment: 42 x Centurion MBT
Light Air Defence Battery 4, Artillery Regiment 1: 12 x 25mm

Norwegian 1st Corps

Corps Troops
Corps Staff and Headquarters Coy
Signals Regiment 1
Intelligence Battalion 1
Air Defence Regiment 7: 32 PT.428 Rapier

1st Battalion, Buskerud Regiment nr 2
2nd Battalion, Buskerud Regiment nr 2
3rd Battalion, Buskerud Regiment nr 2

Kommando Regiment
Fallskjermjeger Regiment

Artillery Regiment 7
1/7 Medium Artillery Battation: 24 6" howitzers
2/7 Medium Artillery Battalion: 24 6" howitzers
3/7 Heavy Artillery Battalion: 24 x 8" howitzers
4/7 Heavy Artillery Battalion: 24 x 8" howitzers
5/7: Superheavy Artillery Battalion: 18 x 9.2" howitzers
6/7: Air Defence Battalion: 24 x English Electric Thunderbirds

Royal Guard Brigade
1st Battalion, Hans Majestet Kongens Garde Regiment
2nd Battalion, Hans Majestet Kongens Garde Regiment
3rd Battalion, Hans Majestet Kongens Garde Regiment
4th Battalion, Hans Majestet Kongens Garde Regiment
Kongelige Norske Kyrasseregiment: 36 FV305 Alvis Seneschal AC
Kongelige Heste Garde Regiment: 36 FV305 Alvis Seneschal AC

1st Division (Oslo)

Brigade 1 (Østfold)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Østfold Regiment nr 1: 54 x FV432
2nd Battalion, Østfold Regiment nr 1: 54 x FV432
3rd Battalion, Østfold Regiment nr 1: 54 x FV432
1st Armoured Battalion, Søndenfjeldske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 1, Artillery Regiment 1: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 2 (Akershus)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Akershus Regiment nr 4: 54 x FV432
2nd Battalion, Akershus Regiment nr 4: 54 x FV432
3rd Battalion, Akershus Regiment nr 4: 54 x FV432
2nd Armoured Battalion, Søndenfjeldske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 2, Artillery Regiment 1: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 3 (Tunsberg)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Vestfold Regiment nr 18: 54 x FV432
2nd Battalion, Vestfold Regiment nr 18: 54 x FV432
3rd Battalion, Vestfold Regiment nr 18: 54 x FV432
3rd Armoured Battalion, Søndenfjeldske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 3, Artillery Regiment 1: 12 x 25mm

Division Troops
Division Staff and Headquarters Company
1st Division Signals Battalion
1st AA Regiment: 24 x 3.75", 48 x 40mm
1st Military Police Company
1st Engineer Battalion

Artillery Regiment 1
1/1 Field Artillery Battalion: 24 FV433 Abbot 25pdr
2/1 Field Artillery Battalion: 24 FV433 Abbot 25pdr
3/1 Field Artillery Battalion: 24 FV433 Abbot 25pdr
4/1 Medium Artillery Battation: 24 6" howitzers

Logistics Regiment 1
1/1 Logistics Battalion
2/1 Logistics Battalion
3/1 Transport Battalion
4/1 Transport Battalion

3rd Division (Trondheim)

Brigade 7 (Trondheim)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Rogaland Regiment nr 8: 36 x FV302 Stag
2nd Battalion, Rogaland Regiment nr 8: 36 x FV302 Stag
3rd Battalion, Rogaland Regiment nr 8: 36 x FV302 Stag
1st Armoured Battalion, Trondhjemske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 1, Artillery Regiment 2: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 8 (Namsos)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Nord-Trøndelag Regiment nr 13: 36 x FV302 Stag
2nd Battalion, Nord-Trøndelag Regiment nr 13: 36 x FV302 Stag
3rd Battalion, Nord-Trøndelag Regiment nr 13: 36 x FV302 Stag
2nd Armoured Battalion, Trondhjemske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 2, Artillery Regiment 2: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 9 (Andalsnes)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Sør-Trøndelag Regiment nr 12: 36 x FV302 Stag
2nd Battalion, Sør-Trøndelag Regiment nr 12: 36 x FV302 Stag
3rd Battalion, Sør-Trøndelag Regiment nr 12: 36 x FV302 Stag
3rd Armoured Battalion, Trondhjemske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 3, Artillery Regiment 2: 12 x 25mm

Division Troops
Division Staff and Headquarters Company
3rd Division Signals Battalion
3rd AA Regiment: 24 x 3.75", 48 x 40mm
3rd Military Police Company
3rd Engineer Battalion

Artillery Regiment 3
1/3 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
2/3 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
3/3 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
4/3 Medium Artillery Battation: 24 6" howitzers

Logistics Regiment 3
1/3 Logistics Battalion
2/3 Logistics Battalion
3/3 Transport Battalion
4/3 Transport Battalion

5th Division (Bergen)

Brigade 14 (Bergen)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Bergenshus Regiment nr 9: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Bergenshus Regiment nr 9: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Bergenshus Regiment nr 9: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
Light Air Defence Battery 1, Artillery Regiment 5: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 15 (Sogndal)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Fjordane Regiment nr 10: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Fjordane Regiment nr 10: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Fjordane Regiment nr 10: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
Light Air Defence Battery 2, Artillery Regiment 5: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 16 (Stavanger)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Oppland Regiment nr 6: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Oppland Regiment nr 6: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Oppland Regiment nr 6: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
Light Air Defence Battery 3, Artillery Regiment 5: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 17 (Kristiansand)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Agder Regiment nr 7: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Agder Regiment nr 7: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Agder Regiment nr 7: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
Light Air Defence Battery 4, Artillery Regiment 5: 12 x 25mm

Division Troops
Division Staff and Headquarters Company
5th Division Signals Battalion
5th AA Regiment: 32 x 3.75", 64 x 40mm
5th Military Police Company
5th Engineer Battalion

Artillery Regiment 5
1/5 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
2/5 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
3/5 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
4/5 Medium Artillery Battation: 24 6" howitzers

Logistics Regiment 5
1/5 Logistics Battalion
2/5 Logistics Battalion
3/5 Transport Battalion
4/5 Transport Battalion

Norwegian 2nd Corps

Corps Troops
Corps Staff and Headquarters Coy
Signals Regiment 2
Intelligence Battalion 2
Air Defence Regiment 8: 32 PT.428 Rapier

Hærens Jeger Regiment
Arktiskjeger Regiment

1st Battalion, Møre Regiment nr 11
2nd Battalion, Møre Regiment nr 11
3rd Battalion, Møre Regiment nr 11

1st Battalion, Jötunheim Regiment nr 22
2nd Battalion, Jötunheim Regiment nr 22
3rd Battalion, Jötunheim Regiment nr 22

Artillery Regiment 8
1/8 Medium Artillery Battation: 24 6" howitzers
2/8 Medium Artillery Battalion: 24 6" howitzers
3/8 Heavy Artillery Battalion: 24 x 8" howitzers
4/8 Heavy Artillery Battalion: 24 x 8" howitzers
5/8: Superheavy Artillery Battalion: 18 x 9.2" howitzers
6/8: Air Defence Battalion: 24 x English Electric Thunderbirds

2nd Division (Bodø)

Brigade 4 (Bodø)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Nordland Regiment nr 21: 36 x FV432
2nd Battalion, Nordland Regiment nr 21: 36 x FV432
3rd Battalion, Nordland Regiment nr 21: 36 x FV432
1st Armoured Battalion, Hålogaland Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 1, Artillery Regiment 2: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 5 (Mo i Rana)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Sør-Hålogaland Regiment nr 14: 36 x FV432
2nd Battalion, Sør-Hålogaland Regiment nr 14: 36 x FV432
3rd Battalion, Sør-Hålogaland Regiment nr 14: 36 x FV432
2nd Armoured Battalion, Hålogaland Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 2, Artillery Regiment 2: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 6 (Lonsdal)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Nord-Hålogaland Regiment nr 15: 36 x FV432
2nd Battalion, Nord-Hålogaland Regiment nr 15: 36 x FV432
3rd Battalion, Nord-Hålogaland Regiment nr 15: 36 x FV432
3rd Armoured Battalion, Hålogaland Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 3, Artillery Regiment 2: 12 x 25mm

Division Troops
Division Staff and Headquarters Company
2nd Division Signals Battalion
2nd AA Regiment: 24 x 3.75", 48 x 40mm
2nd Military Police Company
2nd Engineer Battalion

Artillery Regiment 2
1/2 Field Artillery Battalion: 24 FV433 Abbot 25pdr
2/2 Field Artillery Battalion: 24 FV433 Abbot 25pdr
3/2 Field Artillery Battalion: 24 FV433 Abbot 25pdr
4/2 Medium Artillery Battation: 24 6" howitzers

Logistics Regiment 1
1/2 Logistics Battalion
2/2 Logistics Battalion
3/2 Transport Battalion
4/2 Transport Battalion

4th Division (Finnmark)

Brigade 10 (Tana)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Alfheim Regiment nr 19: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Alfheim Regiment nr 19: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Alfheim Regiment nr 19: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
Light Air Defence Battery 1, Artillery Regiment 4: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 11 (Masi)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Finnmark Regiment nr 17: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Finnmark Regiment nr 17: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Finnmark Regiment nr 17 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
Light Air Defence Battery 2, Artillery Regiment 4: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 12 (Kirkenes)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Telemark Regiment nr 3: 36 x FV432
2nd Battalion, Telemark Regiment nr 3: 36 x FV432
3rd Battalion, Telemark Regiment nr 3: 36 x FV432
Light Air Defence Battery 4, Artillery Regiment 4: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 13 (Alta)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Viken Regiment nr 24: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Viken Regiment nr 24: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Viken Regiment nr 24: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
Light Air Defence Battery 3, Artillery Regiment 4: 12 x 25mm

Division Troops
Division Staff and Headquarters Company
Finnmarks Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
4th Division Signals Battalion
4th AA Regiment: 32 x 3.75", 64 x 40mm
4th Military Police Company
4th Engineer Battalion

Artillery Regiment 4
1/4 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
2/4 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
3/4 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
4/4 Medium Artillery Battation: 24 6" howitzers

Logistics Regiment 4
1/4 Logistics Battalion
2/4 Logistics Battalion
3/4 Transport Battalion
4/4 Transport Battalion

6th Division (Troms)

Brigade 18 (Narvik)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Narvik Regiment nr 20: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Narvik Regiment nr 20: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Narvik Regiment nr 20: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
1st Armoured Battalion, Nordland Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 1, Artillery Regiment 6: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 19 (Bardufoss)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Sommerland Regiment nr 23: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Sommerland Regiment nr 23: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Sommerland Regiment nr 23: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Armoured Battalion, Nordland Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 2, Artillery Regiment 6: 12 x 25mm

Brigade 20 (Skibotn)
Brigade Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, Troms Regiment nr 16: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
2nd Battalion, Troms Regiment nr 16: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Battalion, Troms Regiment nr 16: 6 x 125mm RR, 8 x 3.45" mortars, 16 x 2.5" mortars, 24 x 0.5" HMG, 64 x .303" GPMG
3rd Armoured Battalion, Nordland Dragonregiment: 42 Centurions
Light Air Defence Battery 3, Artillery Regiment 6: 12 x 25mm

Division Troops
Division Staff and Headquarters Company
6th Division Signals Battalion
6th AA Regiment: 24 x 3.75", 48 x 40mm
6th Military Police Company
6th Engineer Battalion

Artillery Regiment 6
1/6 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
2/6 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
3/6 Field Artillery Battalion: 32 x 25pdr
4/6 Medium Artillery Battation: 24 6" howitzers

Logistics Regiment 6
1/6 Logistics Battalion
2/6 Logistics Battalion
3/6 Transport Battalion
4/6 Transport Battalion

Army Reserve: 4 divisions, 276,983 personnel

4 Infantry Divisions
96 Territorial Defence Force Battalions
24 Home Guard Brigades

Royal Norwegian Navy: 24 ships, 49 aircraft, 24,652 men

1 Coastal Defence Battleship: Norge
2 Cruisers: Sigurd Jorsalfar, Olaf Tryggvason
8 Destroyers: Oslo, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Bergen, Narvik, Tromso, Arendal
16 Frigates: Tordenskjold, Harald Haarfagre, Harald Hardrada, Magnus Lagabøte ; Draug, Garm, Troll, Sleipnir, Odin, Thor, Baldr, Æger, Nornen, Valkyrien, Tyr, Gor
12 Submarines: Kobben, Kinn, Kya, Kunna, Ula, Utsira, Utstein, Uthaug, Sklinna, Skolpen, Stord, Svenner
10 Minesweepers: Kvina, Ogna, Sauda, Sira, Tana, Tista, Utla, Vosso, Glomma, Alta
6 Torpedo Boats: Snøgg, Sild, Snar, Springer, Hvass, Hval
20 MTBs: Tjeld, Skarv, Teist, Jo, Lom, Stegg, Hauk, Falk, Ravn, Gribb, Geir, Erle, Sel, Hval, Laks, Hai, Knurr, Lyr, Skrei, Delfin

Kystjegerkommandoen Regiment

Marinejegerkommandoen Group
Minedykkerkommandoen Group

Royal Norwegian Air Force: 426 aircraft, 32,983 personnel

102 Saab Lansen
96 Fairey Delta
87 Hawker Hunter
42 Supermarine Sunstar

50 Avro Albions

25 Fairey Rotodyne
50 Westland Wessex

16 Bristol Britannia

38 de Havilland Vampire T.9

131 Luftving(Rygge Air Base)
332 Squadron: 24 Supermarine Sunstars
342 Squadron: 24 Saab Lansens
345 Squadron: 24 Fairey Rotodynes
351 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds

132 Luftving(Gardemoen Air Base)
347 Squadron: 16 Bristol Britannias
349 Squadron: 18 de Havilland Vampires T.9
354 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds

133 Luftving(Sola Air Base)
333 Squadron: 24 Saab Lansens
334 Squadron: 24 Fairey Deltas
348 Squadron: 18 de Havilland Vampires T.9
353 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds

134 Luftving (Værnes Air Base)
335 Squadron: 24 Fairey Deltas
338 Squadron: 24 English Electric Canberras
343 Squadron: 24 Hawker Hunters
346 Squadron: 18 Avro Albions
352 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds

135 Luftving (Bodø Air Base)
331 Squadron: 24 Saab Lansens
337 Squadron: 24 Supermarine Sunstars
341 Squadron: 24 Westland Wessex
350 Squadron: 24 Hawker Hunters
357 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds
360 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds

136 Luftving (Narvik Air Base)
336 Squadron: 24 Saab Lansens
340 Squadron: 24 Fairey Deltas
358 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds

137 Luftving (Bardufoss Air Base)
330 Squadron: 24 Fairey Deltas
339 Squadron: 24 Hawker Hunters
356 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds

138 Luftving (Andøya Air Base)
344 Squadron: 18 Avro Albions
359 Squadron: 24 Westland Wessex
355 Squadron: 24 Bristol Bloodhounds
Last edited by Simon Darkshade on Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
Simon Darkshade
Posts: 1049
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:55 am

Re: Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Post by Simon Darkshade »

Notes on the Norwegian Order of Battle
- Quite a lot of Norwegian Army equipment comes from Britain
- Like some other NATO states, they will be looking for a replacement of a number of systems through the 1960s and expansion of others. Their specific needs are for AA missiles and gun systems, tanks, APCs/AFVs, modern artillery, missiles, rocket launchers, support vehicles, ATGMs, tank destroyers, AShMs, modern anti tank guns, anti-tank mines, helicopters and more
- These will come from Britain, Sweden and the USA
- The RNoAF in particular will be looking for new high performance fighters; the RNoN wants a lot of torpedo boats, corvettes and modern frigates/destroyers
- Norway’s brigade in Germany is positioned to aid in the defence of Southern Denmark in conjunction with the Danish Brigade in Germany, German troops, an Anglo-Canadian force, an unspecified U.S. division and Royal Marines
- Holding the North needs a whole lot more than 2nd Norwegian Corps + 1 reserve division + Home Guard units, which is where the USA, Canada and Britain come into planning
Simon Darkshade
Posts: 1049
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:55 am

Re: Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Post by Simon Darkshade »

Danish Order of Battle 1960
Royal Danish Army: 97,469 men
Royal Danish Navy: 20,247 men
Royal Danish Air Force: 28,119 men

Total: 145,835 (~1.83% of population)

Royal Danish Army: 6 divisions, 97,469 personnel

Royal Danish Army GHQ
Danish SAS

Strategic Reserve
2nd Battalion, Dronningens Livregiment
4th Battalion, Kongelige Danske Garde
4th Battalion, Kronens Regiment
2nd Danske Livregiment

Air Defence Command:
5th Battalion, Zealand Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bristol Bloodhounds (Tune)
6th Battalion, Zealand Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bristol Bloodhounds (Store Heddinge)
5th Battalion, Zealand Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bristol Bloodhounds (Amager)
6th Battalion, Zealand Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bristol Bloodhounds (Gunderod)

Danish Independent Brigade Group (Germany)
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Kongelige Danske Garde: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Battalion, Oldenburg Husarregimentet: 42 x Centurion MBTs
3rd Battalion, Sjællandske Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Nørrejyske Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Kongelige Dragonregiment: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432
19th Armoured Engineer Company

Jutland Corps
1st Battalion, Kongelige Dragonregiment: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432
4th Battalion, Oldenburg Husarregimentet: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432
4th Battalion, Jutland Air Defence Regiment: 24 x 40mm Bofors L/70

1st Battalion, Danske Livregiment
2nd Battalion, Kronens Regiment
3rd Battalion, Kongelige Danske Grenaderer
4th Battalion, Prinsens Livregiment

1st Battalion, Slesvigske Fodregiment
2nd Battalion, Nørrejyske Fodregiment
3rd Battalion, Falsterske Fodregiment
1st Battalion, Prinsens Livregiment

1st Jutland Division

1st Jutland Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
2nd Battalion, Slesvigske Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Nørrejyske Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Danske Livregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
1st Battalion, Jydske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
1st Battalion, Nørrejyske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
1st Armoured Engineer Company

2nd Jutland Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Falsterske Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Prinsens Livregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Jyske Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Jydske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
2nd Battalion, Nørrejyske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
2nd Armoured Engineer Company

3rd Jutland Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
2nd Battalion, Kongens Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Prinsens Livregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Falsterske Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Jydske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
3rd Battalion, Nørrejyske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
3rd Armoured Engineer Company

Division Troops
Division HQ Company
3rd Battalion, Kongelige Danske Lancerregiment: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432
Military Police Company
Signal Battalion
Engineer Battalion
Long Range Reconnaissance Company
Electronic Warfare Company

Divisional Artillery Regiment
Staff and Target Acquisition Battery
6th Battalion, Kronens Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
4th Battalion, Slesvigs Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
4th Heavy Battalion, Nørrejyske Artilleriregiment: 18 8" howitzers
1st Battalion, Jutland Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bofors 40mm L/70

Divisional Logistic Regiment
Logistic Battalion
Supply Battalion
Heavy Transport Company

2nd Jutland Division

4th Jutland Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Kongens Fodregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Danske Livregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Slesvigske Fodregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Slesvigs Kuirassierregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
6th Battalion, Sønderjyske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
4th Armoured Engineer Company

5th Jutland Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Jyske Fodregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Jyske Fodregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Slesvigske Fodregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Slesvigs Kuirassierregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
2nd Battalion, Sønderjyske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
5th Armoured Engineer Company

6th Jutland Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
2nd Battalion, Falsterske Fodregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Jyske Fodregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Kongelige Danske Grenaderer: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
1st Battalion, Slesvigs Kuirassierregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
4th Battalion, Sønderjyske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
6th Armoured Engineer Company

Division Troops
3rd Battalion, Battalion, Oldenburg Husarregimentet: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432
Division HQ Company
Military Police Company
Signal Battalion
Engineer Battalion
Long Range Reconnaissance Company
Electronic Warfare Company

Divisional Artillery Regiment
Staff and Target Acquisition Battery
1st Battalion, Kongens Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
5th Battalion, Nørrejyske Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
2nd Heavy Battalion, Slesvigs Artilleriregiment: 18 8" howitzers
2nd Battalion, Jutland Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bofors 40mm L/70

Divisional Logistic Regiment
Logistic Battalion
Supply Battalion
Heavy Transport Company

3rd Panserdivision

7th Panserbrigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Feltherrens Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Jydske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
3rd Battalion, Livgarden til Hest: 42 Centurion MBTs
4th Battalion, Den Kongelige Livgarde til Fods: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
5th Battalion, Slesvigs Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
7th Armoured Engineer Company

8th Panserbrigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Sjællandske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
4th Slesvigs Kuirassierregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
1st Battalion, Nørrejyske Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Feltherrens Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
6th Battalion, Slesvigs Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
8th Armoured Engineer Company

9th Panserbrigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Gardehusarregimentet: 42 Centurion MBTs
2nd Battalion, Sjællandske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
3rd Battalion, Kongelige Danske Garde: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Kongens Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Slesvigs Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
9th Armoured Engineer Company

Divisional Troops
Division HQ Company
Military Police Company
Signal Battalion
Engineer Battalion
Long Range Reconnaissance Company
Electronic Warfare Company
1st Battalion, Kongelige Danske Lancerregiment: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432

Divisional Artillery Regiment
Staff and Target Acquisition Battery
1st Battalion, Slesvigs Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
1st Battalion, Sønderjyske Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
2nd Heavy Battalion, Kronens Artilleriregiment: 18 8" howitzers
3rd Battalion, Jutland Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bofors 40mm L/70

Divisional Logistic Regiment
Logistic Battalion
Supply Battalion
Heavy Transport Company

Zealand Corps
Patruljekompagniet LRRP
2nd Battalion, Kongelige Danske Lancerregiment: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432
3rd Battalion, Kongelige Dragonregiment: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432
4th Battalion, Zealand Air Defence Regiment: 24 x 40mm Bofors L/70

1st Battalion, Sjællandske Fodregiment
2nd Battalion, Fynske Livregiment
3rd Battalion, Kongelige Copenhagen Fodregiment
4th Battalion, Feltherrens Fodregiment

3rd Battalion, Sjællandske Livregiment
3rd Battalion, Dronningens Livregiment
3rd Battalion, Fynske Livregiment
3rd Battalion, Feltherrens Fodregiment

Copenhagen Fortress Artillery Regiment: 4 x 560mm, 8 x 380mm, 24 x 120mm Bofors

1st Battalion, Coastal Artillery Regiment: 16 x 254mm Bofors
2nd Battalion, Coastal Artillery Regiment: 24 x 152mm Bofors
3rd Battalion, Coastal Artillery Regiment: 24 x 152mm Bofors
4th Battalion, Coastal Artillery Regiment: 32 x 120mm Bofors

Royal Guard Brigade (Copenhagen)
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Den Kongelige Livgarde til Fods
2nd Battalion, Kongelige Danske Garde
3rd Battalion, Den Kongelige Livgarde til Fods
1st Battalion, Livgarden til Hest: 42 Centurion MBTs

4th Zealand Division

10th Zealand Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Kongelige Copenhagen Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Den Kongelige Livgarde til Fods: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Kongens Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Livgarden til Hest: 42 Centurion MBTs
1st Battalion, Kongens Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
10th Armoured Engineer Company

11th Zealand Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Dronningens Livregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Kongelige Copenhagen Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Sjællandske Livregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Livgarden til Hest: 42 Centurion MBTs
3rd Battalion, Kongens Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
11th Armoured Engineer Company

12th Zealand Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Sjællandske Livregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Kronens Regiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Kongelige Copenhagen Fodregiment: 32 x FV432, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 6 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
1st Battalion, Sjællandske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
5th Battalion, Kongens Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
12th Armoured Engineer Company

Divisional Troops
Division HQ Company
Military Police Company
Signal Battalion
Engineer Battalion
Long Range Reconnaissance Company
Electronic Warfare Company
2nd Battalion, Kongelige Dragonregiment: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432

Divisional Artillery Regiment
Staff and Target Acquisition Battery
5th Battalion, Sønderjyske Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
2nd Battalion, Kongens Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
6th Heavy Battalion, Kongens Artilleriregiment: 18 8" howitzers
1st Battalion, Zealand Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bofors 40mm L/70

Divisional Logistic Regiment
Logistic Battalion
Supply Battalion
Heavy Transport Company

5th Zealand Division

13th Zealand Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Kronens Regiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Sjællandske Livregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Dronningens Livregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Gardehusarregimentet: 42 Centurion MBTs
1st Sjællandske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
13th Armoured Engineer Company

14th Zealand Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Kongelige Danske Grenaderer: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Sjællandske Fodregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Fynske Livregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Gardehusarregimentet: 42 Centurion MBTs
3rd Sjællandske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
14th Armoured Engineer Company

15th Zealand Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Fynske Livregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
2nd Battalion, Kongelige Danske Grenaderer: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
4th Battalion, Sjællandske Livregiment: 32 x FV302 Stag, 8 x 4.5" SPM, 8 x L6 125mm WOMBAT RR
3rd Battalion, Sjællandske Dragonregiment: 42 Centurion MBTs
4th Sjællandske Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
15th Armoured Engineer Company

Divisional Troops
Division HQ Company
3rd Battalion, Kongelige Danske Lancerregiment: 24 x Royalist, 24 x FV432
Military Police Company
Signal Battalion
Engineer Battalion
Long Range Reconnaissance Company
Electronic Warfare Company

Divisional Artillery Regiment
Staff and Target Acquisition Battery
2nd Battalion, Kronens Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
4th Battalion, Kronens Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
6th Heavy Battalion, Sjællandske Artilleriregiment: 18 8" howitzers
2nd Battalion, Zealand Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bofors 40mm L/70

Divisional Logistic Regiment
Logistic Battalion
Supply Battalion
Heavy Transport Company

6th Jaegerdivision

16th Kommando Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Danske Kommandoregiment
2nd Battalion, Danske Kommandoregiment
3rd Battalion, Danske Kommandoregiment
5th Battalion, Kronens Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
16th Engineer Company

17th Luftbårne Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Faldskærmsregiment
2nd Battalion, Faldskærmsregiment
3rd Battalion, Faldskærmsregiment
1st Battalion, Kronens Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
17th Engineer Company

18th Jaeger Brigade
Brigade Staff Company
1st Battalion, Kongelige Danske Jægerregiment
2nd Battalion, Kongelige Danske Jægerregiment
4th Battalion, Kongelige Danske Jægerregiment
3rd Battalion, Kronens Artilleriregiment: 32 x 25pdr
18th Engineer Company

Divisional Troops
Division HQ Company
Signal Battalion
Engineer Battalion
Long Range Reconnaissance Company
Electronic Warfare Company
3rd Battalion, Gardehusarregimentet: 42 Centurion MBTs
4th Battalion, Kongelige Danske Lancerregiment: 36 FV305 Alvis Seneschal AC
1st Battalion, Oldenburg Husarregimentet: 36 FV305 Alvis Seneschal AC

Divisional Artillery Regiment
Staff and Target Acquisition Battery
2nd Battalion, Sjællandske Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
5th Artillery Battalion, Sjællandske Artilleriregiment: 24 6" howitzers
6th Heavy Battalion, Nørrejyske Artilleriregiment: 18 8" howitzers
3rd Battalion, Zealand Air Defence Regiment: 24 x Bofors 40mm L/70

Divisional Logistic Regiment
Logistic Battalion
Supply Battalion
Heavy Transport Company

Royal Danish Army Reserve: 4 divisions, 175,386 personnel
4 Infantry Divisions
16 Infantry Brigades

Danish Home Guard: 169,756 personnel
16 Home Guard Brigades

Royal Danish Navy: 17 ships, 39 aircraft, 20,247 personnel

1 Coastal Defence Battleship: Dannemark
2 Light Cruisers: Holger Danske, Dannebrog
6 Destroyers: Tordenskjold, Niels Juel, Peder Skram, Herluf Trolle, Rolf Krake, Skjold
12 Frigates: Sjælland, Jylland, Fyen, Slesvig; København, Roskilde, Aarhus, Odense, Viborg, Frederiksberg, Aalborg, Ribe
6 Submarines: Delfinen, Spækhuggeren, Tumleren, Springeren, Storen, Saelen
16 MTBs

Royal Danish Marine Regiment

Royal Danish Air Force: 401 aircraft, 28,119 personnel

104 de Havilland Vixen
80 Fairey Delta
54 Hawker Hunter
50 Supermarine Sunstar

40 Fairey Rotodyne
36 Westland Wessex

25 Vickers Victoria
12 Bristol Britannia

Avnø Air Base
Flyveskolen: 18 Saab 91 Safir
733 Eskadrille: 18 Westland Wessex

Aalborg Air Base
720 Eskadrille: 24 Fairey Deltas
725 Eskadrille: 24 Supermarine Sunstars
728 Eskadrille: 24 de Havilland Vixens
735 Eskadrille: 24 Vickers Victoria
736 Eskadrille: 12 Bristol Britannia

Karup Air Base
722 Eskadrille: 24 de Havilland Vixens
724 Eskadrille: 24 Fairey Deltas
726 Eskadrille: 24 Fairey Deltas
732 Eskadrille: 18 Westland Wessex
734 Eskadrille: 18 Fairey Rotodynes

Skrydstrup Air Base
721 Eskadrille: 24 de Havilland Vixens
723 Eskadrille: 24 Hawker Hunters
729 Eskadrille: 24 Supermarine Sunstars

Værløse Air Base
727 Eskadrille: 24 Hawker Hunters
730 Eskadrille: 24 de Havilland Vixens
731 Eskadrille: 18 Fairey Rotodynes
Belushi TD
Posts: 852
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:20 am

Re: Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Post by Belushi TD »

Nice work!

A bit of a nitpick.

In the Norwegian OoB, it states that there are 12 submarines, but only 8 are named.

Belushi TD
Simon Darkshade
Posts: 1049
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:55 am

Re: Dark Earth Orders of Battle

Post by Simon Darkshade »

Thank you kindly.

For some reason, the last four Kobbens didn't copy across, so Sklinna, Skolpen, Stord and Svenner are now where they should be.
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