It will take a lot of electrical power to make that a viable weapon with multiple shots and fast reaction times.
That and the rail gun which also have similar “impact” on strike warfare.
If I understand correctly, only the Flight III DDG’s and the 3 White Elephants of the Zumwalt class have or will have enough sustained electrical generation capacity.
(Hijacking the thread slightly)
The Flight III’s might make a good fit for the directed energy weapons.
The Zumwalts are being equipped with hypersonic strike missiles. Sounds like an excellent use of those 3 ships. Combine that with HELIOS and perhaps even the rail gun and we have a potential warship of truly impressive game changing capabilities.
Sounds like a good definition for the next generation cruiser. A cruiser capable of going into the teeth of a modern opponent’s defenses and sending significant stuff downtown.
A cruiser built for battle.
A Battle Cruiser
((Seeks deep cover)