A TBO Homage: 'The Blackpool Boar'

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A TBO Homage: 'The Blackpool Boar'

Post by Nik_SpeakerToCats »

Nik-note: Do not ask, do not even surmise...

Before recruitment to 'Dour Hall', Jane Sewell, 'Code-name: SCALPEL' had had medical ambitions

Now, following her 'nervous collapse' during the 'Blitz', she was 'merely' a nurse / assistant to her over-worked parents at their local 'Cottage Hospital'.

The Gestapo had recruited 'The Blackpool Boar' from a grim Saxony prison. Only a lack of coherent witnesses and adequate evidence had kept him from execution. Now, given free rein as an 'Interrogator', he serially raped suspects, their relatives and children, efficiently broke them, killed them. All with official approval.

Jane laid her plans...

'The Boar' often took long weekends for a 'Drinking Jag', belatedly returning disheveled, monstrously hung-over and even fouller of temper.

This time, he did not return on the Monday, the Tuesday, even the Wednesday. Nor could he be found in or near his usual foul haunts.

The a report came of a man, sorta-matching The Boar's description, found wandering along a Fylde Coast beach. He was naked, filthy, incoherent, making sea-bird calls and waving his arms. He'd half-chewed sea-weed draped around his shoulders. Oh, and he was 'doubly incontinent'...

Yes, it was him. Just his body, though. His wits were 'Away With The Fairies'. The German medics soon established he'd not been poisoned. Or half-gassed. Or tortured. Their internal exanminations drew blank, beyond confirming he still had a violent temper and immense brute strength. He tore open his straight-jacket !! No, their considered opinion was that he'd suffered a sufficient stroke to erase his 'humanity'.

The alternative, that he'd received a 'pre-frontal lobotomy', was ruled out by a lack of surgical evidence. The wary diagnosis of 'stroke' was reinforced by a lack of recovery plus a sucession of violent seizures. During efforts to restrain yet-another mega-violent 'Grand Mal', he was 'accidentally' over-dosed...

Thus passed 'The Boar'.

An observation that was either ignored or 'administratively lost' was that, when first found, he'd had a discoloured patch on each temple. Like skin gets as it recovers from excessive sea-immersion, but localised ? These were certainly not 'electrode burns'. Oh, yes, the Gestapo knew all about those ! Repeated seizures' teeth-gnashing meant that possible indications of his having been gagged could not be confirmed...

'Codename: SCALPEL' made sure the components of her improvised 'Electric Convulsive Therapy' machine and its conductive saline electrodes would not be recognised before next need. With 'The Boar' bondlessly immobilised by 'live burial' beneath heaped sand-bags, she'd efficiently taken notes on how rermarkably long it took to dispel even his scant humanity...

Understandably, such 'Infirmative Action' did not reach the 'Settlement Report'...
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Re: A TBO Homage: 'The Blackpool Boar'

Post by jemhouston »

Justice was served.
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