Just spent a thoughtful half-hour sprawled on recliner in our 'garden' room, watching very bright Moon slowly set over high back-wall...
"Four minutes, one degree", at least to a first approximation...
Took me back a life-time to the night when my father and I returned from again visiting Mum in hospital. Our usual route had 'over-night' road-works, we'd had to divert far, go the long way around, adding an extra half-hour and a further dozen miles'' petrol to the tunnel fee...
The night was chill, a whisker short of a hard frost. The sky was literally crystal clear, the 'seeing' remarkable...
Enough side-street lighting was out that deep shadow swathed much of our walk from lock-up garages towards home...
That was the only time I've seen more than a couple of Pleiades 'un-assisted'.
IIRC, though the number shifted from moment to moment, it settled several times to nine (9)...
D'you wonder I write space-based SciFi ??